
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan



Dr. Kukuh Munandar, M.Kes
NIP : 196708151992031002
Jafung : Lektor Kepala

"Bersama kita bisa!"

Wakil Dekan

Dr. Fitri Amilia, M.Pd
NPK : 0709477
Jafung : Lektor

"Sebaik-baik manusia adalah yang bermanfaat untuk orang lain."

Kaprodi Pendidikan Biologi

Dr. Agus Prasetyo Utomo, M.Pd
NPK : 0709477
Jafung : Lektor

"Semangat Berkarya!"

Kaprodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

Dr. Astri Widyaruli Anggraeni, M.A
NPK : 0709477
Jafung : Lektor

"Nurturing a community where knowledge blossoms, and the torch of learning is passed with passion and purpose."

Kaprodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Nurkamilah, M.Pd
NPK : 0709477
Jafung : Lektor

"Nurturing a community where knowledge blossoms, and the torch of learning is passed with passion and purpose."

Kaprodi Pendidikan Matematika

Dr. Lady Agustina, M.Pd
NPK : 0709477
Jafung : Lektor

"Nurturing a community where knowledge blossoms, and the torch of learning is passed with passion and purpose."

Kaprodi Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

Dr. Wahju Dyah Laksmi Wardhani, M.Pd
NPK : 0709477
Jafung : Lektor

"Nurturing a community where knowledge blossoms, and the torch of learning is passed with passion and purpose."

Kaprodi Pendidikan Olahraga

Ahmad Sulaiman, M.Pd
NPK : 0709477
Jafung : Lektor

"Nurturing a community where knowledge blossoms, and the torch of learning is passed with passion and purpose."

Kaprodi Pendidikan Profesi Guru

Dr. Christine Wulandari Suryaningrum, M.Pd
NPK : 0709477
Jafung : Lektor

"Nurturing a community where knowledge blossoms, and the torch of learning is passed with passion and purpose."

Sekprodi Pendidikan Profesi Guru

Aulya Nanda Prafitasari, M.Pd
NPK : 0709477
Jafung : Lektor

"Nurturing a community where knowledge blossoms, and the torch of learning is passed with passion and purpose."

Ka. Lab. Micro Teaching

Dr. Fatqurhohman, M.Pd
NPK : 1909883
Jafung : Lektor

"Tetaplah bersujud meskipun belum terwujud."